The Scholls Ferry Road Area Pipeline Project (PLM_5.0) is a 7.0-mile section of the overall 30+ mile Willamette Water Supply System (WWSS) pipeline. Approximately half of the 7.0-mile section is complete. The remaining section, Grabhorn Road to Rosedale Road, is in construction in conjunction with the South Beaverton Area Water Storage Tank. Construction is anticipated to be complete in early 2025. The joint construction project is being led by the Hoffman-Fowler, LLC, construction manager/general contractor team. Construction is coordinated to reduce the impacts on nearby neighbors and the traveling public.
Scholls Ferry Road Area Pipeline Project (PLM_5.3)
Includes approximately 20,000 linear feet of 66-inch diameter, welded steel pipe. The pipeline alignment begins near the intersection of SW Tile Flat and SW Grabhorn Roads, where it will connect to the recently completed pipeline. The pipeline alignment follows SW Grabhorn Road north to the future water storage tanks at the intersection of SW Grabhorn and SW Stonecreek Drive. The pipeline alignment, then travels west and north on private property, crossing beneath Farmington Road where it will connect to the recently completed South Hillsboro Pipeline Project (PLW_1.0).
South Beaverton Area Water Storage Tank (RES_1.0)
A 15-million-gallon water storage tank is being built on property at the southeast corner of the SW Grabhorn Road and SW Stonecreek Drive intersection. Future construction of a second water tank is anticipated to be built on the site in 2035.
Construction Schedule
- Water Storage Tank: 2022-2025
- Pipeline: 2022-2025
Completed Pipeline Construction
The Willamette Water Supply Program team coordinated with public and private road improvement projects in the Roy Rogers, Scholls Ferry and Tile Flat Road areas to install the new water pipeline. Partnering on these road projects reduced community and neighborhood impacts by eliminating the need for multiple construction projects.
The pipeline north of Beef Bend Road to Scholls Ferry Road (PLM_5.1) was a partnership with Washington County’s Roy Rogers Road widening project. Visit Washington County’s website for information about road improvements. Construction began in 2018 and is now complete.
Construction of the pipeline from Scholls Ferry Road to Grabhorn Road (PLM_5.2) was coordinated with new residential development along SW Scholls Ferry and SW Tile Flat Roads. Construction began in 2019 and is now complete.