The Willamette Water Supply System Commission (WWSS Commission) is an Oregon intergovernmental entity formed by Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD), the City of Hillsboro, and the City of Beaverton.

The WWSS Commission was formed to build the Willamette Water Supply System (WWSS) in response to planned growth in their service areas. The WWSS will provide an additional, resilient water supply for Washington County.

When complete, the WWSS will be one of Oregon’s most seismically-resilient water systems—built to better withstand natural disasters, protect public health, and speed regional economic recovery through restoring critical services more quickly.

The Willamette River, one of Oregon’s largest rivers, is the WWSS’s new supply source. The raw water intake is located at the Willamette River Water Treatment Plant in Wilsonville. From there, raw water will be pumped to the WWSS Water Treatment Plant, a new state-of-the-art water filtration plant where multiple treatment processes will produce high quality drinking water. Drinking water will be pumped to reservoir facilities on Cooper Mountain, then will be gravity-fed to additional storage and customers in the TVWD, Hillsboro, and Beaverton service areas. The new system will be completed by 2026.

TVWD has been designated the Managing Agency for the WWSS Commission, and TVWD operates the Willamette Water Supply Program (WWSP) to plan, design, and construct the WWSS.

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“We’re fortunate to have coordination among our regional water providers, like the Tualatin Valley Water District and the City of Hillsboro, to make sure we have a safe, resilient water supply as the region grows.”

--- Councilor Kathryn Harrington, Metro Council District 4