Wilsonville Area Pipeline Project is a 3.3-mile section of the overall 30-mile Willamette Water Supply System pipeline that is being built in close coordination with the City of Wilsonville. The pipeline project consists of three phases.

Phase one (Wilsonville Road – PLM_1.1) and phase two (Garden Acres Road to 124th Road – PLM_1.2) are complete.  Phase three (Wilsonville Road to Garden Acres – PLM_1.3) is anticipated to begin construction in late 2022 and finish in early 2025.

Phase 3: Wilsonville Road to Garden Acres (PLM_1.3)

The Wilsonville Road to Garden Acres project ties together the remaining portion of pipeline through Wilsonville, utilizing an alignment along SW Kinsman Road, Boeckman Road, SW 95th Avenue, and SW Ridder Road.

During construction, crews will also install street improvements in partnership with the City of Wilsonville in some areas to alleviate traffic congestion and improve public safety. This includes upgrading some crosswalks and installing turn lanes at the SW Kinsman Road at Wilsonville Road intersection and the SW Boeckman Road at the SW 95th Avenue intersection.

Construction is planned to occur in stages, with temporary traffic control changing as work moves through the area. This approach will improve safety by limiting construction to smaller work areas to minimize traffic, business, and community disruptions.

Completed Phases

Phase 1: Wilsonville Road (PLM_1.1)

  • The Wilsonville Road project consisted of 1,400 feet of 66-inch diameter pipeline. The pipeline was installed near the Willamette River Water Treatment Plant and ended in SW Kinsman Road just south of the SW Kinsman Road and SW Wilsonville Road intersection.

Phase 2: Garden Acres Road to 124th (PLM_1.2)

  • The WWSP partnered with Wilsonville to construct the PLM_1.2 pipeline with the City's Garden Acres Road Improvements Project. Improvements to Garden Acres Road support Wilsonville’s economic development efforts in the future Coffee Creek Industrial Area.

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