Hillsboro Tribune (Friday, 19 September 2014 01:00 | Written by Fuller, Kathy)
Washington County’s Department of Land Use & Transportation, Tualatin Valley Water District and Hillsboro Water invite the public to attend a project open house on Sept. 24 to learn more about the county’s 124th Avenue extension project and the Willamette Water Supply Program.
The event will be held at Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue’s Training Center, 12400 S.W. Tonquin Road, in Sherwood. The public is invited to drop in anytime between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. to learn more about both projects.
The 124th Avenue project will construct an interim two-lane arterial between Tualatin-Sherwood Road and Grahams Ferry Road. The project will also construct safety improvements on Tonquin Road and Grahams Ferry Road.
In addition to the road project, a waterline will also be installed under 124th Avenue as part of the Willamette Water Supply Program.
Construction for the road and waterline is scheduled to begin summer 2015.
— Kathy Fuller
Read original article on Pamplin Media Group HillsboroTribune