
The first pieces of pipe for the Willamette Water Supply are installed, marking a significant milestone for the regional water system partnership between the Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) and City of Hillsboro as pipeline construction is now underway.

“This is a historic event,” said Dave Kraska Program Director. “Installing this first pipe brings to life the vision and good planning taken by TVWD and the City of Hillsboro over the years.  It is the first of many pieces of pipe that will stretch across Washington County, creating a regional, reliable and resilient drinking water supply.”

wwsp_firstpieceofpipeThe system includes about 30 miles of mostly 66-inch diameter water pipeline, water storage tanks, water intake improvements on the mid-Willamette River at Wilsonville, and a water treatment plant. The first pieces of pipe were installed on the Kinsman Road Partnership Project by crews from Emery & Sons Construction Group based out of Salem, Oregon. The City of Wilsonville, with partial federal aid assistance from the Federal Highway Administration, is constructing the project. Collaboration on the cost-saving opportunity project began in July with work to extend Kinsman Road. Partnering on existing infrastructure projects helps minimize traffic and construction impacts to the nearby community, and saves money by sharing construction and project management costs among agencies. Pipe for this project is being produced by Northwest Pipe Company, based in the Portland area. Local production of the large-diameter pipe will save the Project and ratepayers in trucking costs, and benefits the local economy.

Two other projects along the pipeline route are underway, including a partnership with Washington County for work on the 124th Avenue Partnership Project, which extends SW 124th Avenue north from Wilsonville to Tualatin-Sherwood Road, and initial work on the South Hillsboro Pipeline Project, the portion of the pipeline to be installed in coordination with the extension of Cornelius Pass Road through the new South Hillsboro development.

kinsmanconstructionThe mid-Willamette River at Wilsonville will be the new water supply source for the Willamette Water Supply System. Although current demands are met through other sources, the addition of a new source will provide improved water supply reliability and system resiliency. Developing an additional water supply through a partnership supports the region’s plans for responsible growth within the urban growth boundary. The earthquake-resilient system is on schedule to deliver water by 2026. For more information about the Willamette Water Supply Program, visit www.OurReliableWater.org or call 503-941-4570.